Happy Friday the 13th! Some think this can be an unlucky day while others think of it as a normal day! So… why is Friday the 13th such a crazy day? Here are some of the answers we found.
Folks from Popular Mechanic claim unlucky 13 dates back to biblical times. They say there were 12 at the last supper which was preceded as the lucky, perfect number. When Judas showed up, that was the 13th person. It threw off the balance. All this went down on a Friday… making Friday the 13th unlucky. That could be true. There are a lot of other theories on why Friday the 13th is such an odd day. They date it back to mythology times as well as other cultures. All of them have some sort of connection to Friday the 13th being bad!
CNN says there are a lot of theories when it comes to why modern society thinks of Friday the 13th being filled with misfortunes and bad luck! But when our friend for the country world/pop world… Taylor Swift gained her fame, she tried to turn the stigma of 13 around. She was born on the 13th, turned 13 on the 13th…lol… and her album went gold in 13 weeks. She tried showing 13 is a lucky number if you make it one! With this, Americans have changed their views on the number 13.
If you are a superstitious person, maybe don’t walk under a ladder, break a mirror or see a black cat today. Otherwise have a great day!