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Buy the ‘Manliest’ Candle on the Market

It’s Harley here! To no surprise, I’m a total tomboy. When it comes to the smell of my house, I don’t want it to smell like sunshine and rose. I want it to smell good, but not girlie. There is a solution to this.

It’s the new Budweiser Backyard Barbecue candle. You can order this candle on for $34.

So what’s so special about this candle? It smells like manly stuff. The website says it has scenes like barbecue smoke… one of my favorites smells on this planet… allspice, barley, musk and so many other manly scenes in it.

That way you can make your house smell like summer… but not summer flowers. That sounds great to me, but I’m not sure I would spend $35 on a candle!
