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Rock 98.5 is Now on Alexa!

Download and Listen to the Stream

Got an Amazon Alexa? Download the Rock 98.5 alexa skill to listen to the stream or play the latest podcast!

Just search Rock 98.5 on your alexa app on your smart phone, search Rock 98.5 Alexa on or click here!

Once the skill is enabled to play the live stream just say:

“Alexa, play Rock Ninety Eight Five”

Note: Do not say the word “Point” or this will not work.



To find out what podcasts we have available just say:

“Alexa, ask Rock Ninety Eight Five to list podcasts”

Or to play the latest podcasts just say:

“Alexa, ask Rock Ninety Eight Five for Free Beer and Hot Wings Podcast”

“Alexa, ask Rock Ninety Eight Five for The Afternoon Rush Podcast”


“Alexa, ask Rock Ninety Eight Five for Nerdversation Podcast”
